Big changes at Retro Frog!

Big changes at Retro Frog!

Hi all!

   I have partnered with Stone Age Gamer to start selling Retro Frog products. I will be getting away from direct sales through my website. 

Why the change? That's easy to answer. I have outgrown my ability to ship orders in a timely fashion. If I want to keep expanding my business, I need to either come up with a way to have more than 24 hours in a day, or offload some of the work to a third party. I have been shipping 350+ orders a month for the better part of the last year and it has taken its toll on me. Between taking care of customer service related stuff, printing, and shipping, it has left little time for designing. And I am in this weird spot where I can't justify hiring anyone to help me. I picked Stone Age Gamer to partner with as they have industry leading customer service, lightning fast shipping and are great all around folks to do business with! I will still be printing and designing all Retro Frog products, however sales and shipping will be handled via Stone Age Gamer. 


In the next few days or so, I will start transitioning the Retro Frog website over to a product page and design gallery with links to purchase via Stone Age Gamer. 


So effective immediately, you can find nearly the entire catalog of Retro Frog Products in stock and available to purchase via Stone Age Gamer. And over the course of the next week or two, they will have everything in stock.


Thank you so much for all the support!


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